


1)      To get started, we need to make sure you are human and not a bot.
Please type in the code you see below to proceed.*

2)      How did you first hear about the LaunchPad program? *

3)      Please provide your contact details.*

4)      Do you have a LinkedIn profile? If so, please provide the link below.

We’d now like to collect some information on your Organization.

5)      What is the legal name of your Organization?

6)      What is your organization's website?

7)      What is the long-term vision of your Organization?

8)      Describe your Organization's core capabilities and/or research interests.

9)      Is your Organization a publicly traded company?

10)   How many people are in your Organization?

a.       1-10

b.       11-50

c.       51-100

d.       101-249

e.       250+

11)   In what year was your Organization founded?

Does your organization meet the following definition of Small and Medium Business:
A commercial enterprise that is incorporated pursuant to the federal laws of Canada or the laws of a province or territory of Canada and which has ongoing business activities in Canada;
Fewer than 250 full-time personnel;

Not an agent or distributor of foreign goods and services; and,
Not a subsidiary of an Eligible Donor on any contract with Canadian Industrial and Regional/Technological Benefits obligations.

12)   Is your organization registered on the Government of Canada’s Indigenous Business Directory?

13)   Please specify the street Address of your headquarters.

14)   Any additional Address details (for example unit, postal box, etc.)?

15)   In what City or Town are your headquarters located?

16)   Please enter the State or Province where your headquarters are located.

17)   Please provide the zip code or postal code of your company's headquarters.

18)   Please choose the country where your headquarters are located.

19)   Is this survey submission aligned with an existing opportunity within MDA? If so, please enter the opportunity code below.

20)   Does your organization have an existing partnership/business relationship with MDA? If so, please provide your MDA partner code if available.

21)   Why are you interested in reaching out to MDA?

a.       Funding

b.       Sponsorship

c.       Supply Chain

d.       Technology

e.       Other engagement


1)      Do you have a presentation for this funding request?

2)      You can upload your presentation here.

Please ensure that your pitch deck includes appropriate information such as company information, funding ask and other details relevant to your request.

3)      Thanks for uploading your presentation. We do have other survey questions to ask of you if you would like to proceed.

4)      Which type of scientist or technology expertise would be required to best understand and assess your core technology?
As part of the application process, an MDA-affiliated scientist may be asked to assess the science or technology at the core of your Organization. Please briefly describe the type of scientist or technology expertise that you believe would be best-suited to understand and assess your core technology. (max 100 characters)

5)      What is your Organization's core technology, explained in non-technical terms?

6)      Which of the following options best describes the stage your Organization is currently in?

a.       Concept Stage (have a business idea/concept but have not yet started building the product/service)

b.       Technology Stage (currently building the product/service)

c.       Prototype Stage (have a basic prototype/MVP that works, but no customers yet)

d.       Validation Stage (have a selected group of customers testing/using the prototype/MVP)

e.       Early-Revenue Stage (have paying customers, but not yet a profitable venture)

f.        Profitable (the venture is cash-flow positive)

7)      Does your technology fall within any of MDA's focus areas?

a.       Next Gen SAR

b.       Geospatial Data Exploitation

c.       Cloud-enabled Ground System

d.       Satellite Mission Design

e.       Space Domain Awareness

f.        A1-enabled Analytics

g.       Cloud Platforms

h.       Data Exploitation Methods

i.         EO Payloads

j.         Intersatellite Links

k.       On-board Processing

l.         SaaS Platform Development

8)      Describe how your technology aligns with the selected MDA focus areas.

9)      Describe a single customer and how they will use your product or service.

10)   What is the value proposition for this specific customer?

11)   Do you have a working prototype? If so, please explain what the prototype or product demonstrates.

12)   How do you sell to your customer?

13)   What is the single most important dimension on which your technology outperforms the competition?

14)   Do you have any protected intellectual property?

15)   Do you use third party intellectual property in your products and services (or offerings)?

16)   Do you license your intellectual property?

17)   We have a few more financial questions to ask.

a.       Have you generated any revenue? If so, how much (in $M CDN) and over what period of time?

b.      What are your ventures Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)? ($M CDN)

c.       What is your venture's Enterprise Value? ($M CDN)

d. Have you raised any money? If so, how much?