
Other Engagement

  1. To get started, we need to make sure you are human and not a bot. Please type in the code you see below to proceed.
  2. How did you first hear about the LaunchPad program?
  3. Contact information: We'd like to know how to best reach you. To do this we need to know your contact information.
    a) Please provide your contact details.
    i. First name
    ii. Last name
    b) Please provide your contact details.
    i. Phone number
    ii. Email
    c) Do you have a LinkedIn profile? If so, please provide the link below.
  • What is the legal name of your Organization?
  • What is your organization's website?
  • What is the long-term vision of your Organization?
  • Describe your Organization's core capabilities and/or research interests.
  • Is your Organization a publicly traded company?
  • How many people are in your Organization?
  • In what year was your Organization founded?
  • Please specify the street Address of your headquarters.
  • Any additional Address details (for example unit, postal box, etc.)?
  • In what City or Town are your headquarters located?
  • Please enter the State or Province where your headquarters are located.
  • Please provide the zip code or postal code of your company's headquarters.
  • Please choose the country where your headquarters are located.
  • Why are you interested in reaching out to MDA?
    a) Funding
    b) Sponsorship
    c) Supply Chain
    d) Technology
    e) Other engagement
    1. Do you happen to have a presentation that outlines your request to engage that you'd like to share with us?
    2. You can upload your presentation.
    3. How do you think MDA LaunchPad can help your Organization succeed?
    4. Describe the anticipated impact the requested LaunchPad support would have on your organization.