Home > Insights > We’re officially on our way to the Moon!

By Holly Johnson - June 28, 2024

We’re officially on our way to the Moon!

It’s a momentous day! In case you missed it, check out the exciting news that we shared with the world in a news release this morning. With this exciting news, we are now under contract for the next few years to finish the design, build, and delivery of the Canadarm3 system, in preparation for launch near the end of the decade. We’re officially on our way to the Moon!


And that’s just the start! This new contract also kicks off the journey to create our own mission control facility right here in Brampton, Ontario at our MDA Space Robotics Centre of Excellence, and develop robotic operations staff who will literally be at the controls when we launch, commission, and operate Canadarm3 at the Gateway space station around the Moon. In parallel, this contract also represents forward momentum in our commercial space robotics pursuits, ensuring the technology development of our new MDA SKYMAKER product line will be ready to meet the ambitious missions that our partners are creating – from commercial space stations, to lunar infrastructure, in-space servicing, and beyond. 


It was nearly 10 years ago that I remember working as a systems engineer, supporting the earliest concept studies for Canadarm3, and subsequently working with the government to ensure Canada stepped up to the plate and committed to participate in the Gateway mission. In the years since, thousands of people have supported the definition, pursuit, capture, and early phase work on the Canadarm3 program. With this announcement, on the heels of our contract extension to support robotics operations on the International Space Station, and the traction we are already making in the commercial markets, we are all so proud that MDA Space is taking one giant leap towards the Moon, and furthering our position as the global leader in space robotics. 


Delivering on our commitments in this next phase of the contract will take an extraordinary level of teamwork, collaboration, and hard work, but I am confident that we have an amazing team who is up to the task.


Onward to the Moon! 



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We’re officially on our way to the Moon! | MDA Space